Here’s What You’ll get

  • Fast Break Coaching: Get the Support You Need Quickly. Are you facing a deadline, a tough decision, or need someone to listen? With my "Fast Break" one-on-one coaching method, you can tackle any issue and find a leadership solution in just one hour.

    Price: $50 per hour

  • Experience Growth at Your Own Pace with Freedom To Flourish through Monthly Mentorship. The Freedom To Flourish Monthly Mentorship program is the perfect solution if you want to grow at your own pace. This membership includes four weeks of in-depth content designed to help you flourish.

    Benefits of the Membership Program

    By enrolling in our membership program, you will gain access to a private login with personalized information that you can create. Every week, you will receive a set of instructions that will help you stay on track with your focus point, enabling you to progress consistently. This ensures that you have a dedicated space to work on your goals and achieve success.

    Here's what you can expect from each week of the program:

    Week One: Looking Within

    Take a deep dive into your own goals and aspirations. During this week, you'll reflect on where you are and where you want to be, and we'll provide you with customized content like assignments, videos, and readings to help you get there. Plan on dedicating 3-5 hours a month to this week's content and your writing time.

    Week Two: Office Hours

    During the second week, you'll have the opportunity to meet with JauQuema via Zoom for a 45-90 minute session. This is your chance to ask any business, ministry, or personal growth questions and get the answers you need to move forward.

    Week Three: Journal Accountability Sessions

    Join JauQuema for a live accountability session during the program's third week. There will be three 20-minute sessions throughout the week where we'll check in briefly and then journal together in silent support. This experience is casual and profoundly influential, and you'll be amazed at how much you'll get out of it.

    Week Four: Master Class

    During the program's final week, we'll gather for a two-hour Master Class with JauQuema via Zoom. We'll share key insights and tackle some of the biggest hurdles leaders face today. It's the perfect way to wrap up the month and set yourself up for success.

    Price: $200 per Month

  • Unlock Your Leadership Potential in Just 15 Minutes Discover how to break free from your limitations and unleash your full leadership potential. Allow me just 15 minutes to guide you through the process.

    Price: FREE

  • Leadership Mentorship

    Identifying personal values

    Recognizing and enhancing core strengths

    Crafting a strong vision

    Cultivating resilience and mental strength

    Enhancing communication and interpersonal skills

    Building effective networks and relationships

    Navigating tough conversations and conflict resolution

    Fostering inspirational leadership capabilities

    Boosting self-assurance as a leader

    Managing time and stress challenges effectively

    Training in Discipleship

    Preparing for group discussions and Bible studies

    Learning about the history and significance of the Bible

    Developing a personal relationship with God through prayer and worship

    Understanding the importance of serving others in the community

    Practicing humility and seeking guidance

    Reflecting on personal growth and areas of improvement in faith

    Applying biblical principles to everyday life situations

    Building strong relationships with fellow believers for support and encouragement

  • Empower Yourself by Adjusting Your Perspective and Leading with Purpose: 
Leadership development starts with influencing how others see the world. Allow me to assist you in finding the right focus to lead the life you deserve.


  • Recognize

    To become a better leader, you must first learn how to identify the obstacles that are holding you back. Focus on the leader you aspire to be and work towards overcoming any challenges that stand in your way.

  • Reflect

    Next, it’s time to develop your strategies by analyzing patterns and trends.

  • Refine

    The final stage is to consistently fine-tune what we have learned.


    I offer one-hour private sessions online or by phone.


    My monthly mentorship program helps you stay on track.

Tailor Your Experience to Your Preferences

Can't find what you're looking for? My coaching programs can be tailored to fit your personal learning style.


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