Everyone is a Leader. It’s time to unlock the leader within you. Listen to this episode to learn how. 


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This episode is designed to start the framework in rediscovering the leader within you. In this episode, you will be asked three questions. The three questions are what do you know? What are your principles? Lastly, How can you do better?

Everyone is a leader. In Genesis 1:26, it says "Then God said, Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and overall the creatures that move along the ground."

God gifted us with the ability to lead. The question is why do we doubt our leadership capabilities? What is stopping you from believing in who God created you to be?





What is a leader?

A leader is one who has the influence to motivate people into action.

What do you know?

We all have been gifted with an area of influence. What is that thing that you are passionate about? What are you good at? These are the areas you need to draw your attention to begin building on your leadership development.

Leaders can’t show what they don’t know.

What are your principles?

Your principles are the foundation of what you believe. Your principals are the gatekeepers of what you know and guide your behavior towards being an effective leader. Protect what you know with your personal principles.

What Can I do better?

This question positions your heart to be teachable. Teachability should be a key principle applied in your development. Asking yourself "what can I do better?" opens the door for you to receive wisdom, knowledge, and understanding from God.


Ep.2/ Overcoming Fear